Pediatrician explains why children have bedtime tantrums and how to avoid them

A common issue many mothers face is putting their children to sleep. Particularly, before bedtime, a child may become restless and difficult to settle. This condition in a child arises for specific reasons, according to the Instagram page Zdorovishi razom.
Pediatrician Katerina Krutikova explained that such a problem can not only disrupt the child's usual routine but also unsettle adults.
There are potential causes of bedtime hysteria in children.
Physiological factors
Pain, discomfort, or simply exhaustion can all be reasons for bedtime hysteria. It's important to identify the root of the problem. Perhaps the child is showing early signs of a cold, teething discomfort, or is simply overtired.
Emotional stress
New situations, unforeseen changes, or emotional experiences can trigger hysteria in children. In such cases, it's important to be attentive and sensitive to the child's feelings. Perhaps the child needs more of your attention.
Assertion of independence
The doctor noted that bedtime hysteria can be one of the manifestations of a child's crisis. Typically, this crisis occurs between the ages of 3-5 and is accompanied by the child's desire to resist.
This can also happen when parents put the child to bed. Tears and screams may appear as the child wants to demonstrate their disagreement.
Bedtime hysteria is often part of normal child development. The right approach, based on love and understanding, can help both the child and the parents get through this stage without excessive stress. However, if hysteria becomes systematic, it's better to seek advice from a specialist.
What time to put the child to bed
Pay attention to the child's age. The ideal time frame for children from 3 months to 6 years old is between 6:30 PM and 9:00 PM. During this time, melatonin, a hormone that helps fall asleep quickly and easily, begins to be produced in children.
Observe the child and see when they start to yawn frequently and rub their eyes - that's the moment to put them to bed.
If you miss this window, it will be difficult to put them to bed for the next two hours. Melatonin will be replaced by cortisol, and the child will initially become active, then restless.