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On occupied territories Russians dedicate schoolchildren to "eaglets of Russia"- Human Rights Commissioner

On occupied territories Russians dedicate schoolchildren to "eaglets of Russia"- Human Rights Commissioner Dmytro Lubinets, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Ukrainian Parliament (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

Russians are attempting to "reeducate" Ukrainian children on the temporarily occupied territories through militarizing education and disseminating propaganda in schools, said Dmytro Lubinets, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Ukrainian Parliament.

He noted that the occupiers are trying to eradicate Ukrainian identity by all means, including the "reeducation" of children through military propaganda.

"For example, representatives of the occupying authorities, as part of the 'Patriotic Education of Russian Federation Citizens' project, 'initiate' Ukrainian schoolchildren from the temporarily occupied territories into becoming 'true eaglets of Russia,'" the ombudsman wrote.

Lubinets added that the Ombudsman's Office learned about this by monitoring the hostile authorities' information channels in the temporarily occupied territories.

"This information is being forwarded to the Office of the Prosecutor General to document the facts of Russian representatives committing war crimes against Ukrainian children," he noted.

Propaganda among youth

Russians actively employ propaganda to spread favorable narratives among young people in the occupied territory. For instance, in the temporarily occupied Crimea, Russians organize "military-patriotic education" events to propagate their agenda among youth.

In Mariupol, notebooks featuring the portrait and quotes of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin were distributed to children in elementary school. Additionally, children are coerced to write letters to Russian occupiers.