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Not just Trump. 5 US presidents with unbearable personalities

Not just Trump. 5 US presidents with unbearable personalities Who among American presidents, besides Trump, had a difficult character (photo: Getty Images)

The history of the United States is full of examples of presidents with strong personalities, but some of them are remembered not only for their achievements but also for their openly bad character. Their behavior - from outbursts of anger to offensive statements - often influenced political decisions and the country's reputation.

John Adams (1797-1801)

John Adams, the second president of the United States, was known for his stubbornness, sarcasm, and penchant for insults.

He openly called his political enemies, in particular Alexander Hamilton, a "bastard" and a "Creole," which shocked even his allies. Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), which restricted freedom of speech, out of fear of criticism.

He often lost his temper when accused of monarchism and responded with scathing letters. His quarrels with Thomas Jefferson escalated into a personal feud, which weakened his position.

Adams ignored the advice of his cabinet, believing himself to be the smartest, which only worsened his reputation. His rule became an example of how a bad character can undermine authority.
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John Adams (image: Wikipedia)

Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)

Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was known for his hot temper and love of duels. He took part in more than 100 duels, and in 1806 shot and killed a man who had insulted his wife.

Jackson often lost control and publicly insulted his enemies, calling them "traitors" or "scoundrels." During the Petticoat affair, he fired half of his cabinet over gossip about the wife of one of his ministers, showing his vindictiveness. He also ignored the Supreme Court's decision to relocate the Indians, which led to the Trail of Tears tragedy.

His authoritarian approach was manifested in his disregard for the law for personal gain. Even before his death, Jackson regretted not shooting his opponents, which emphasizes his cruelty.
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Andrew Jackson (image: Wikipedia)

Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president, was an impulsive and aggressive leader who acted without hesitation. He boasted that he had killed thousands of animals while hunting, which caused outrage among his contemporaries. Roosevelt exploded in anger when he was contradicted and insulted his opponents by calling them "women" or "weak-minded."

He sent the U.S. Navy on a world tour to show off his power, ignoring diplomacy. Roosevelt also bypassed Congress by deciding on the Panama Canal on his own, which showed his self-confidence.

His aggressive foreign policy often put the United States in tense situations. Nevertheless, his charisma overshadowed these shortcomings for many Americans.
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Theodore Roosevelt (photo: Wikipedia)

Lyndon Johnson (1963-1969)

Lyndon Johnson, the 36th president, was famous for his rude and domineering behavior, which often shocked those around him. He humiliated subordinates by forcing them to listen to him while he sat on the toilet, which showed his contempt for others.

Johnson called advisors "idiots" or "wimps" if they disagreed with him, and he did so in public. His management style, known as the "Johnson treatment," included physical pressure - he would grab people by the clothes or get close to them.

During the Vietnam War, he ignored criticism and forced the military to falsify progress reports. Johnson also used blackmail and threats to push through his laws, demonstrating his manipulative nature. His authoritarianism and brutality left a controversial mark on history.
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Lyndon Johnson (photo: Wikipedia)

Richard Nixon (1969-1974)

Richard Nixon, the 37th president, went down in history as a paranoid and vindictive leader due to the Watergate scandal. He secretly taped conversations in the Oval Office to keep tabs on his opponents and compiled an "enemies list" of journalists and politicians.

Nixon ordered his subordinates to break into the Democratic headquarters, which was the beginning of his political downfall. After being exposed, he tried to hide the evidence, which led to his resignation, the only one in US history.

He often insulted critics, calling them "communists" or "traitors," demonstrating his anger. Even after his resignation, Nixon denied any wrongdoing, which only reinforced his reputation as a liar. His presidency became an example of how paranoia can destroy a career.
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Richard Nixon (photo: Wikipedia)

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Sources:,, Wikipedia.