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New EU sanctions package against Belarus: details

New EU sanctions package against Belarus: details The details of the new EU sanctions package against Belarus (Photo: Getty Images)

Sanctions of the European Union against Belarus for supporting Russia's aggression against Ukraine will apply to dual-use goods and aviation spare parts, as reported by Politico.

According to the publication, the sanctions will include restrictions on exporting dual-use goods, such as drones or computers that can be used for military purposes, including by the Russian Armed Forces on the battlefield against Ukraine, and aviation spare parts.

According to four EU diplomats who spoke anonymously, the new package of sanctions includes 38 individuals and three legal entities.

Sanctions against Belarus

Recall that the ambassadors of the European Union countries agreed on a new package of sanctions against Belarus on Wednesday, July 26.

Earlier, the media reported that the European Union was not ready to impose new sanctions against Belarus. According to journalists, some Western European countries wanted to lift already imposed restrictions, in particular, those related to potassium fertilizers.

On July 18, it became known that the European Union would finally introduce new sanctions against Belarus, which could not be adopted since January.