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Netherlands on military exercises in Ukraine: No plans yet, but we don't rule them out

Netherlands on military exercises in Ukraine: No plans yet, but we don't rule them out Kaspar Veldkamp, Foreign Minister of the Netherlands (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The Netherlands does not rule out training of the Ukrainian military on the territory of Ukraine, but there are no specific plans for this, states Kaspar Veldkamp, Foreign Minister of the Netherlands.

"We are currently in discussions with other partners. We don't have any specific plans for training yet. We are already training, as you know, in other countries," the minister said.

According to Veldkamp, the starting point in this matter is what Ukraine needs to train its military.

"I do not rule out any of the options for the future, although we are weighing each of the options, all the pros and cons," the Dutch Foreign Minister added.

Military training in Ukraine

In June, French President Emmanuel Macron announced his intention to create a coalition of countries that are ready to train the Ukrainian military in Ukraine, rather than abroad, as is currently the case.

Paris sent a proposal to the Baltic states, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States. However, many in NATO are against this idea because of the fear of becoming a party to a war with Russia.

Recently, De Volkskrant reported that the Netherlands may join the French coalition.