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Netanyahu on strikes against Hamas: What to happen in coming days to be long remembered

Netanyahu on strikes against Hamas: What to happen in coming days to be long remembered Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

The strikes on Hamas in the Gaza Strip are just beginning. By the end of the war, Israel's enemies will understand that the attack on the country was a mistake, according to a statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Strikes against Hamas are just beginning

Netanyahu stated that several Palestinian militants were still inside the country, accusing them of killing children in handcuffs. He warned that the strikes against Hamas in the Gaza Strip were just beginning.

"The most important thing is to remain calm. I know we all want results right here, right now, but it will take some time," he said.

He also promised the people that by the end of the war, their enemies would realize that the attack on Israel was a terrible mistake.

"Any place where Hamas operates will turn into ruins. This is already happening and will continue," he added.

Five main tasks

Netanyahu also called on the opposition to join a national unity government without any prior conditions, as was done before the Six-Day War in 1967.

The Prime Minister said there are five main tasks to be considered as a response to Hamas' deadly attack:

  1. Victory over the terrorists still inside Israel.
  2. Preparation for a massive offensive operation in the Gaza Strip.
  3. Maintaining a calm situation on other fronts.
  4. Mobilizing international support for the operation.
  5. Uniting the country.

He thanked US President Joe Biden specifically for his support and said they were in constant contact. He noted the American aircraft carrier that approached Israel's shores. Netanyahu also thanked other world leaders for their support.

Hamas' attack on Israel

On October 7th, Hamas militants infiltrated into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Initially, they managed to capture several populated areas, but by evening, Israeli forces regained control of most of the territory and launched strikes in response to military targets and the Hamas headquarters.

Israel declared a "state of war" and initiated the counter-terrorism operation Operation "Iron Swords."

During the first two days after the start of the war, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) struck thousands of targets in the Gaza Strip. However, the Israeli military command emphasizes that this was only the beginning, as the IDF intends to destroy Hamas.

Yesterday, Netanyahu stated that Israel was entering a long war, and its first phase was nearing completion.