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Most narcissistic men revealed: Which zodiac signs top list

Most narcissistic men revealed: Which zodiac signs top list What signs of the zodiac become bad husbands (illustration

It is believed that individuals of certain zodiac signs are more likely to act selfishly. Building relationships with them can be challenging, as they tend to focus solely on themselves.

Which zodiac signs rank worst for men in terms of narcissism is detailed by Collective World.

Sagittarius man

Men born under this sign can be true narcissists. They may be popular and capture women’s hearts, but they are not ready for anything truly serious. If a Sagittarius man loses interest, he might cheat. Their toxicity and selfishness make them emotionally cold, impacting relationships.

Virgo man

Virgos often boast impressive looks. Men who realize their charm can become self-absorbed. In relationships, they prioritize themselves and view their partner as more of a trophy. A Virgo man might even demand to be adored.

Aquarius man

Aquarians can be caring, loving, dedicated, and responsible. However, if they are dissatisfied, it can quickly unravel. This sign often hurts their partners with selfish actions and indifference. An Aquarius man is unlikely to show vulnerability and tends to focus on himself due to a lack of trust. Yet, even this "cold heart" can be warmed by true love.

Pisces man

Pisces are very free-spirited and cannot tolerate control. They prefer to manipulate and lead rather than follow. Consequently, relationships with them can be challenging. These men are often narcissists who are unlikely to care about their partner’s feelings and desires.

For more zodiac insights, read the Tarot horoscope for August 3.