Moon is in best position. Astrologer gave forecast and important tips for today

The beginning of the week can often cause excitement, because it is believed that Monday gives you a chance to start a new life. And if you want to spend this day in the right way, consider these important tips from astrologer Kateryna Solovyova.
Astro forecast for the 10th of February
According to Solovyova, this Monday will be unfavorable for new business and important decisions, surgical and dental interventions, hairdressing, and long-distance travel.
Plan your affairs for February 10, after 14:27, taking into account the following astrologer's advice:
- it is not recommended to starve
- the energy of the day will help to get rid of the burden of the past, ease the burden of karmic debts
- if you solve old problems, new strength will appear in the body
- passivity is unfavorable
- a day of accumulating information, coordinating the work of the logical and creative hemispheres of the brain
- group work, discussion of common problems, exchange of information will be useful
- body rejuvenation processes are activated
- baths, saunas, meditation, dieting, and cosmetic products will be most effective.
February 10 horoscope (illustrative photo: Freepik)
Astro life hacks for Monday
February 10 is the day of the Moon, which is responsible for our emotions, psyche, soul, subconscious, instincts, feelings, mood, receptivity, vulnerability, and emotional volatility. Its influence also lies at the heart of the parental instinct, the ability to care for others and to calm them down.
"On February 10, until 19:00, the Moon will be in the sign of Cancer, which is the best position for it. This is a favorable period for those whose work is related to psychology and sociology, antiquities and antiques, music, poetry, reproductive arts, theater and opera, cinema and pop. Enhance the moon's energy with white color, silver, dairy products, and resting by the pond," Solovyova said.