ua en ru

Moldova declares Russian embassy staffer persona non grata

Moldova declares Russian embassy staffer persona non grata Illustrative photo (UNIAN)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova has declared an employee of the Russian Embassy persona non grata. The Ministry informed the Russian ambassador in Chisinau, Oleg Vasnetsov, according to NewsMaker.

“The decision to expel was made based on the information and evidence collected, which indicate that the Russian diplomat was engaged in activities incompatible with diplomatic status,” the statement says.

The employee of the Russian Embassy, who was declared persona non grata, must leave the country. According to TV8, it is a military attaché of the diplomatic mission.

Searches in Moldovan parliament

The day before, officers of the Information and Security Service and the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Particularly Important Cases conducted searches in the parliament building in Moldova in connection with the investigation of a treason case.

As part of the investigation, the head of the legal department, Ion Kryange, and a Border Police officer were detained for 72 hours on suspicion of spying for Russia.

The investigation suggests that they were in contact with an employee of the Russian Embassy and passed him information for a monetary reward.