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Mali rebels reveal number of Russian mercenaries eliminated

Mali rebels reveal number of Russian mercenaries eliminated Illustrative image (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

A Malian rebel group claims to have killed 84 mercenaries of the Russian Wagner private military campaign and 47 Malian soldiers during a battle in the city of Tinzaouaten on July 25 and 26, Bloomberg reports.

The following were killed during the fighting:

  • 84 Russian mercenaries;
  • 47 Malian soldiers.

Also, more than 30 "enemy forces" were wounded, and military equipment, including tanks, weapons, and vehicles, were captured or destroyed.

Seven Wagner mercenaries and Malian soldiers were captured by the rebels.

Attack on Wagner in Mali

On July 27, Tuareg from the CSP-PSD movement posted photos and videos on the Internet showing a defeated column of Wagner mercenaries in Mali. According to the information, the fighting took place on July 25 and 26 in the Tinzauaten area, near the border with Algeria.

Read more about this attack and who the Tuareg are in RBC-Ukraine's article.

According to Andrii Yusov, a spokesperson for the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, there are specific military consequences of the attack in Mali. In particular, Russia is sending its military and terrorists from other parts of Africa to Mali.