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Kuleba calls on African countries to join efforts for grain export

Kuleba calls on African countries to join efforts for grain export Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba (Photo: Vitalii Nosach - RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

Ukraine has called on African countries to unite their efforts to ensure further food exports, according to a statement of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba on the Ministry's website.

During a meeting with the permanent representatives of the group of African countries at the UN, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, stated that Ukraine has always been and aspires to remain a reliable guarantor of food security for African nations. He called on them to unite their efforts to ensure further food exports from Ukraine after Russia's exit from the "grain deal."

“By withdrawing from the Grain Deal, russia endangered the lives of millions of people around the world, primarily in Africa and Asia. russia will earn money from increased prices for bread at the expense of primarily citizens of African countries. Our close relations, partnership and active interaction can help solve many problems, in particular, those related to the export of Ukrainian grains to the world market," stated Kuleba.

Kuleba pointed out that grain can be transported by road and rail to ports in Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland, but even with increased shipments through these routes, it is impossible to cover the necessary grain needs on the global market.

The Minister called on all African countries to work together on implementing the Peace Formula proposed by the President of Ukraine.

“Peace must be restored on the basis of the principles of the UN Charter and the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly. Today, the only document that complies with UN principles and resolutions is President Zelenskyy’s Peace Formula. We call on you to take an active part in its implementation and bring a just and lasting peace in Ukraine closer”, he emphasized.

The Minister also emphasized that only through close cooperation can any problems be overcome, including the Russian attack on global food security.

African "peace initiatives"

On June 16, presidents of South Africa, Zambia, and Senegal, the Prime Minister of Egypt, and other officials from African countries visited Kyiv and met with the head of state, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The leader of South Africa presented a "peace plan" for Ukraine, consisting of 10 points, which includes calls for de-escalation of hostilities, immediate commencement of negotiations, the release of prisoners of war, repatriation of children, and humanitarian support.

After visiting Ukraine, the leaders of African countries traveled to Russia, where they met with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

Following the visits, President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa stated that the "peaceful" proposals of the delegation would be considered by both sides.