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Kindred spirits: 6 signs you encountered your soulmate

Kindred spirits: 6 signs you encountered your soulmate Illustrative photo (Photo: Freepik)
Author: Daria Shekina

Kindred spirits are very hard to find in life. When you meet someone with whom you share a special connection, love and respect them, according to a post by psychologist Iryna Kulik on Instagram.

According to the expert, there are 6 signs that indicate the presence of a kindred spirit.

Deep empathy and harmony

You feel unique harmony and tranquility in the presence of that person, even without the need for lengthy discussions. The feelings between you are much stronger than any negativity around.

Shared values and beliefs

Your outlook on life, values, and beliefs closely align with this person. You easily understand each other, even in complex situations, feeling harmony and calmness while discussing any topic.

Mutual sense of familiarity

Even before starting a conversation, you already feel like you know this person, as if from a past life. This feeling is unmistakable, as you understand that this person feels like someone familiar to you.

Strong emotional connection

If the person is kindred, you'll feel a strong emotional closeness and mutual understanding. Upon meeting again, you won't want to be apart for long.

Support without words

Even without speaking, you feel tremendous support and understanding from each other. You look into each other's eyes and understand that your feelings are in sync.

Similarity in dreams and desires

People have similar dreams, goals, and desires in life, sometimes without even discussing them.