Kherson residents are urged not to go outside unnecessarily on August 29

Russian occupiers may intensify shelling in Kherson on Day of Remembrance of Ukrainian Defenders, August 29. Therefore, the Kherson Regional Administration urged residents of the city not to go out unnecessarily.
"On the Day of Remembrance of the Fallen Defenders of Ukraine, Russian terrorists may intensify shelling of Kherson and coastal settlements of the region," the statement said.
Therefore, residents of Kherson and the region are asked to stay indoors, unless it is absolutely necessary, and to prioritize their safety.
"Do not leave your home unless it's an emergency," the Kherson Regional Administration advises, reminding people that if they hear explosions or an air raid siren, they should follow the two-wall rule if indoors, and seek immediate shelter if they are outside.
Shelling of Kherson and the region
Despite the liberation of Kherson from occupiers after the Ukrainian Armed Forces regained control of the city in November of last year, Russia continues to shell it from occupied territories, as part of the region remains under Russian military occupation. The city remains under constant artillery and tank fire.
Recently, on August 27, Russians shelled the center of Kherson, resulting in the death of a woman and the injury to a man.