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Kazakhstan considers banning Z, V and Wagner PMC military symbols

Kazakhstan considers banning Z, V and Wagner PMC military symbols Kazakhstan is considering banning Russian military symbols (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Kazakhstan's authorities are discussing banning goods featuring Russian military symbols, specifically referring to symbols Z, V, and the Wagner private military company, according to NUR.

The Kazakhstani General Prosecutor's Office is proposing to prohibit goods with "ethnopoliticized symbols."

"In 2022, due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Kazakhstan, demonstrations displaying symbols like Z or V on clothing, toys, and vehicles became more frequent," said the prosecutors.

Advertisements and goods, especially those targeting children, bearing expressions like "Armiya Rossiya" (Russian army) and others started to appear in Kazakhstan. Law enforcement officials believe that these symbols evoke mixed reactions in society.

Consequently, the prosecutors have suggested that the government ban the manufacturing, importation, transportation, and distribution of goods featuring symbols used in "armed conflicts, military or other violent actions against the sovereignty and political regime of another state." They also propose the implementation of administrative penalties in case of violations.

Back in May 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law banning symbols Z and V.

Furthermore, last year, Latvia also banned the use of symbols Z and V at public events.