Karmic Nodes 2025-2026 - Astrologer tells what to prepare for

Few people know, but on January 12, the Karmic Nodes, which can significantly influence the fate of people, change their axis. Therefore, the next year and a half may be the beginning of a difficult period, reveals astrologer Kateryna Solovyova.
What are Karmic Nodes
"On January 12, 2025, the Lunar, or Karmic, Nodes will move to the axis of the zodiac signs Pisces and Virgo. And they will stay here until the end of July 2026," the astrologer said.
The topics of the sixth and twelfth signs of the zodiac will be relevant for everyone:
- health (physical and mental)
- hard work
- inner insights
- intuition
- psychologism
- voluntary or forced seclusion
- long-distance travel
- secret interests and hobbies
- creativity.
"These two calculated points are formed by the intersection of the ecliptic and the Moon's orbit: The Ascending Node is in front, along the Earth's course, and the Descending Node is behind, the point of intersection of the orbits, which is already in the past. They are placed opposite each other in the radix. The Ascending (or Rahu) Node is also known as the "Dragon's Head," Solovyova explained.
In this position, the expert noted, the Moon, crossing the ecliptic, heads upward, towards the North Pole of the Earth, so this Node is considered the North Node. And the Eastern (or Ketu, "Dragon's Tail"), when the Moon is heading downward, toward the South Pole, is considered South. And these nodes are very important, the astrologer warns.
"Firstly, solar and lunar eclipses occur on the zodiacal axis on which they are located, which determines the fatefulness of events during these periods. In general, we can say that the axis of the Lunar Nodes is the vector of our development. Secondly, the North Node in a horoscope speaks of the goal, the task of our life. It directs us to what we need to achieve and what we need to learn. The South Node shows the experience that a person has already managed to gain. In this way, they seem to reflect the experience of the human soul - past and future," Solovyova said.
Karmic Nodes in 2025 (illustration: Freepik)
Who are the Karmic Nodes waiting for
According to the astrologer, each of us has our own tasks and invaluable baggage from the past, which can be analyzed by an individual radix. However, we all feel the general trends when transiting Nodes are in certain signs.
"So, Aries and Libra have been doing their karmic work since July 2023. Now, this baton is solemnly passed to Pisces and Virgos, who may soon begin a difficult period in their lives," the expert said.
But these Nodes will also affect people with other zodiac signs. Remember what events happened in your life between June 2006 and December 2007 inclusive. As the astrologer explained, if you haven't changed your place of residence dramatically since then, these areas may come back to haunt you.
Because of this change in the "space weather," we should abandon these things for almost a year and a half:
- pettiness
- excessive rationalism
- distrust
- skepticism
- careerism
- sycophancy
- bureaucracy
- too much attention to your health
- immersion in hypochondria.
"You have to overcome your acrimony and claim to intellectual superiority. It is necessary to avoid "collecting" empty and useless knowledge. The path of the Rising Node in Pisces is the development of intuition, harmonious merging with nature, subtle cosmic rhythms, and the desire to express oneself in art. The motto of the North Node in Pisces is "I believe," said Solovyova.
"The problem with the twelfth sign of the zodiac is that because of its duality, it can take the side of base passions, succumb to phobias, fears, manias, and other people's influence, or it can realize higher truths and follow the path of these ideals, firmly believing in its destiny. Therefore, despite all the difficulties, we must trust our intuition, and keep faith in our strength and the correctness of our choice. And we will get what we believe in," she summarized.
Earlier, the astrologer named all the successful dates for 2025.