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Just one food: 101-year-old doctor shares what he eats for longevity

Just one food: 101-year-old doctor shares what he eats for longevity Photo: What a 101-year-old doctor eats for longevity (collage by RBC-Ukraine)

William, a 101-year-old former doctor, revealed what one product has helped him live for so long, reports Best Life.

What the 101-year-old doctor eats for longevity

William was born in 1922 in the UK and moved to Toronto, Canada, in 1957. But don't let his age fool you.

He practiced medicine until he was 85 years old, and in fact, he cites his career as a key factor in his long life.

William started as a primary care physician, then worked in healthcare and workers' compensation, and ended his working days as a psychotherapist.

But he credits his longevity to eating sardines since he was 6 years old.

In fact, when he was in a restaurant with his parents as a child, he told them he only wanted to eat sardines.

“I've been eating them ever since. And this was before they discovered omega threes!” he said.

Just one food: 101-year-old doctor shares what he eats for longevity

William is 101 years old (screenshot)

Why sardines?

The Cleveland Clinic considers sardines to be the best fish for your health.

They are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, they are caught in the wild and they are cheap.

If you're not a fan of nutrient-rich salted fish, you can follow William's lead by cooking at home. It's pretty easy and will also help you save money, cut calories, maintain portion control, and cut out foods with more processing.

“I still prepare all my own food,” the long-lived man admitted in one of the programs.

In addition to proper nutrition and career, Williams also says he leads an active lifestyle.

For more than 20 years, the doctor swam four to five times a week. As he got older, he started walking a lot.

In his exercises, he also uses weights, taking heavier 6-kilogram dumbbells in each hand.

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