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Israel estimated the duration of IDF's ground operation

Israel estimated the duration of IDF's ground operation Israel's Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant (photo: Getty Images)

Israel's future ground operation in the Gaza Strip could last for three months. It will be the last one if Israel succeeds in destroying the terrorist group HAMAS, states Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

"This has to be the last ground maneuver in the Gaza Strip for the simple reason that after it, there will be no Hamas. It will take a month, two months, three, but eventually, there will be no Hamas," he stated.

According to the minister, before the enemy meets the armored and infantry forces, it will meet the IDF's bombs.

"I have the impression that you know how to do it in a deadly, precise, and very high-quality way, as it has been proven so far," Gallant added.

War in Israel

On October 7, HAMAS militants launched an incursion into Israeli territory, prompting Israel to initiate an operation against HAMAS. The next stage of this operation may involve a ground operation in the Gaza Strip.

In response to these events, demonstrations and actions in support of the Palestinian people have taken place in the United States, Europe, and other countries worldwide. Unfortunately, these demonstrations often culminate in clashes and detentions.

To stay updated on developments in Israel and around the world following the onset of the conflict in the Middle East, you can read the article by RBC-Ukraine.