How to save relationships facing complete uncertainty - Practical tips

Daily challenges, stresses, and tensions create instability in all aspects of our lives. And first of all, there is a risk that this will affect the relationship with a loved one, because we may not be able to contain anger, fear, emotions, and despair. Vitalii Kursik, Ukrainian life coach and sexologist, tells how to prevent quarrels in difficult periods of life and preserve relationships.
Talk about your feelings
Uncertainty creates fear, and fear creates tension in relationships. Therefore, it is important not to hide your emotions but to share them.
"Even if it's just: 'I'm scared,' 'I'm tired,' 'I'm afraid of losing us'. Sincerity brings us closer," the expert emphasizes.
Don't fight with each other
Stress provokes conflicts. But if everything is already "on fire," it is important to have a home front, not another front.
"Before you say something in the heat of the moment, you should ask yourself: "Will this help us or will it only increase tension?" the coach advises.
Support each other in the little things
A cup of tea without a reminder. A hug when you need it. The words "I'm here for you" and "We'll get through this". Small signs of attention mean more now than ever.
Find your "islands of stability"
It can be a tradition of watching a movie together every Friday, going for a walk in the evenings, or just drinking coffee in the morning without phones. In an unstable world, such rituals help to hold on.
Allow each other to reboot
Sometimes the best thing you can do for a relationship is to give your partner time to be alone.
"Don't put pressure, don't demand to 'talk immediately'. Sometimes you just need to exhale," the expert emphasizes.
Plan for the future, even if it seems vague
You don't have to make long-range plans, but at least imagine what you will do in a month or a year. This gives you the feeling that you have a common "tomorrow."
"True intimacy manifests itself not when everything is easy, but when it is difficult. And if you manage to be there for each other, even when the world is unstable, it means that your relationship is really strong," Vitalii Kursik summarizes.