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How to fully recover over weekend after work week

How to fully recover over weekend after work week Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Weekends are a great opportunity to recharge, especially after a demanding work week. However, many of us find that even after two days of rest, we don't feel fully refreshed. So, what are the few simple rules to follow to avoid this?

Change of activity is key to renewal

One of the main conditions for quality rest is a change of activity. If you've been working hard physically or mentally throughout the week, the weekend should be focused on more relaxed activities. Read a book, watch a movie, or take a walk in the fresh air.

It's important to allow yourself to step away from everyday concerns and focus on what pleases you.

We often forget how crucial it is to simply be in silence, without gadgets and news. Turn off your phone, set aside social media, and dedicate time to yourself. Recovery is largely about the ability to focus on your feelings and emotions.

Healthy lifestyle - foundation of rest

A healthy lifestyle is not just a trendy buzzword but a necessity, especially if you want to fully rest over the weekend.

Eat a balanced diet, avoid overeating, and stay away from unhealthy foods. Fast food and alcohol may give you a fleeting sense of satisfaction, but in the long run, they only drain your energy.

Don’t forget about physical activity. This can be light exercise, yoga, or even a simple walk in the park. Physical exercises help improve circulation, relieve tension, and boost endorphins – the happiness hormones.

Body rituals

Taking care of your body is another crucial aspect of recovery. Visiting a sauna or bathhouse, getting a massage, or indulging in beauty treatments can help relax your muscles, improve circulation, and normalize sleep. These procedures have both physical and psychological benefits, helping you feel refreshed and energized.

Moreover, pay attention to your sleeping environment. A comfortable mattress, fresh linens, and a well-ventilated room all contribute to quality sleep, which is essential for recharging.

Finding balance between 'want' and 'must'

Weekends often become the time when we try to catch up on all the tasks we didn’t manage during the week. However, it's important to strike a balance between what you "must" do and what you "want" to do. Too many obligations can turn your weekend into just another workday, leaving no room for rest.

Instead, listen to yourself. Identify what truly brings you joy and energy, and allow yourself to indulge in it. Even if it doesn't seem like the most productive activity, the most important thing is your feelings and emotions.

Plan your weekends in advance

To ensure that your weekends are truly restful, it's worth planning them in advance. Think about what you'd like to do, but don't get too carried away with plans.

Leave some room for spontaneity and leisurely moments. Morning rituals, short trips, or meetings with friends can be great additions to your relaxation time.

By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to fully recharge over the weekend and start the new week with energy and inspiration.