How Old money style embodied in modern blogging and social media

In fact, the Old money style covers more and more life realms than just fashion. It can underline individuality and increase self-esteem, making it psychology. It can also spotlight you, and it is all about social media.
Read about how exactly Old money fits into modern blogging, according to Kateryna Borysenko's Instagram and Gossip Girl Telegram channel.
What is the Old money style
Old money was formed in the 20th century among the dynasties of rich people.
Key meta-message: Rich teens and their parents prefer elegance and simplicity. They do not submit for silly show-offs, things with logos, and bright elements of fast fashion.
The underlying message is "We're so rich we don't need to show it to the world." This style allows you to show silent superiority over others. We see this style on Princess Diana, in the Gossip Girl series or The Crown.
TV series The Crown (photo: Kinorium)
TV series Gossip Girl (photo: Kinorium)
How to channel Old money blogging
"The easiest way is to monitor things and your appearance. Old money is primarily a style of clothing. I recommend Googling and adopting ideas for combining things," writes Kateryna.
Content formats
Include more headings in your content that demonstrate your way of thinking.
- especially worth paying attention to the topics of art, cinema, and literature. Today, almost no one does that as for a long period, there was a trend for manifestation, which means to loudly scream you are number one or the main expert on some topic.
- a new trend is to start demonstrating and promoting thinking more. To create an image of a person who thinks and to be one!
Make an intrigue about your life
- earlier, bloggers showed all the details of their lives down to the smallest detail - managing to get closer to the audience. The follower delved deeper, saw himself in the blogger, and began to trust his opinion to follow his recommendations.
- today it is already the last-century thing. Try to stay one step ahead of the market and leave a part of your life undiscovered.
Less content about money and how much something costs
- yes, it's steadily attracting a certain audience, but the trend is on the decline. And soon we will all move from "it works, that's why we do it" to "we don't do it, it's an anti-trend."
- everyone will see your lifestyle anyway - it is perfectly readable through the details of your everyday life, through broadcasted thoughts and observations. But shouting "I'm rich" only scares off the audience, for whom such behavior is vulgar. They no longer want to associate themselves with such content.
Your social currency may suffer - people will stop going to you to learn from you - because they do not want to be involved in certain meta-messages.
Who shows Old Money style in Ukraine
Examples of bloggers that could be a reference for you:
- Tania Parfilieva
- Alina Frendiy
These tips won't help if you blindly follow them to be "on trend".
The main secret in 2023 social media is to be yourself, to be authentic in all your manifestations.
Trends need to be adapted and taken with the best that is available. But they don't have to change you and your blog.