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Hostage situation leads to evacuation of 150 homes in Netherlands

Hostage situation leads to evacuation of 150 homes in Netherlands Photo: an unknown person took hostages in the Netherlands, 150 houses were evacuated (Getty Images)

In one of the Dutch cities, an unknown individual has taken people hostage. Law enforcement evacuated approximately 150 homes near the scene, according to The Washington Post.

According to police spokesperson Simon Cloke, individuals are being held hostage in the city of Ede, although he declined to provide further details. He also did not disclose the number of hostages.

In their Twitter account, law enforcement noted that "at the moment there is no indication of a terrorist motive."

As reported by the publication, a total of 150 houses around the area were evacuated. Law enforcement explained this decision by stating that there is an individual in the area "who could be a danger to themself or others."

In photos and videos, law enforcement and firefighters can be seen surrounding the street.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported on an incident in Turkey where an unknown individual stormed into the main building of the American company Procter and Gamble's factory and took people hostage.