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Harris is confident that Trump will offer Ukraine to surrender to Putin

Harris is confident that Trump will offer Ukraine to surrender to Putin Kamala Harris (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Vice President Kamala Harris warned that Vladimir Putin could be "sitting in Kyiv," the capital of Ukraine, if Donald Trump is re-elected as President of the United States, citing Harris' statement during an event in Michigan with former Congresswoman Liz Cheney and Maria Shriver.

Harris reminded the audience that Trump has repeatedly claimed he could resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict in a single day. "Read through and understand what he is saying. He would surrender," Harris said.

"He would have Ukraine surrender its fight against an aggressor violating its sovereignty. If Donald Trump were president, Vladimir Putin will be sitting in Kyiv, and understand what that would mean for America and our standing around the world," she added.

Trump has called Putin a "friend" and has claimed he could end Russia's war with Ukraine through a single phone call.

Trump has also asserted that Putin planned to invade Ukraine during his administration (2016-2020) but allegedly refrained after Trump threatened to strike Moscow.

During the September 10 debate with Kamala Harris, Donald Trump failed to reveal his "peace plan" when asked by the moderator. Instead, he said that he would call the leaders of Ukraine and Russia, claiming that after such calls, the war would end.

In response, Harris accused Trump of cozying up to dictators and said that Trump would "surrender within 24 hours," leaving Putin sitting in Kyiv and looking further into Europe. "What you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator, who would eat you for lunch?" the Vice President remarked.