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Foods you can eat and not worry about gaining weight

Foods you can eat and not worry about gaining weight Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

When losing weight, it is important to monitor your diet and choose low-calorie foods. Coach Yurii Popko shared which foods can be eaten in large quantities without worrying about your body.

Foods to eat

According to the expert, some foods can be consumed in large quantities without worrying about gaining excess weight.

First and foremost are any leafy salads, as they are practically calorie-free.

Next, you should eat vegetables that do not contain starch, meaning those that grow above ground. The coach said that you can also eat those that grow underground, as they contain a small amount of calories.

Don't forget about berries and fruits, which should also be included in your diet.

Additionally, you should include low-fat products like poultry or turkey fillet, which have almost no fat, just protein and that in small amounts, only 20%.

You should also eat beef and non-fatty types of fish.

Low-calorie drinks

Water with lemon

Water with lemon helps accelerate metabolism. It should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach and between meals, especially for people on a low-calorie diet.


Green tea, black tea, or other teas without sugar are good choices for reducing the number of calories in your diet. Tea contains antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in the body and maintain health.


Black coffee without sugar contains less than 5 kilocalories per cup and can help wake up your metabolism, contributing to weight loss.

Ginger tea

Ginger improves metabolism and prevents the formation of new fat deposits on the abdomen. Ginger tea can be a great alternative to sugary drinks.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice contains minimal calories, helps eliminate fat, and contains antioxidants that prevent the development of many diseases.

Earlier, we wrote about what to eat for breakfast to lose weight.

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