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Fighter jets alerted in Germany due to unknown aircraft

Fighter jets alerted in Germany due to unknown aircraft Fighter jets alerted in Germany due to unknown aircraft (photo: Getty Images)

On the night of Saturday, December 9, an unidentified aircraft was spotted in the skies over Germany, which did not communicate with controllers. German fighter jets were alerted because of it, reports Bild.

An unidentified aircraft entered German airspace from Lithuania.

Two supersonic Eurofighter jets from the Luftwaffe's tactical squadron in Neuburg an der Donau were alerted. They flew over the skies of Bavaria and Thuringia to intercept the offending aircraft.

According to the German Air Force, the German fighter jets came as close as possible to the plane from Lithuania and made eye contact with its pilot. He explained that there was a loss of communication. He changed course and the fighter jets escorted him to Polish airspace.

The publication notes that residents of Bavaria and Thuringia, over which the air operation took place, called the police en masse, reporting a roar in the sky and shaking glass in the windows. One of the residents complained that he spilled beer because of the loud noise.