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Feeling anxious? Try these three life hacks for stress relief

Feeling anxious? Try these three life hacks for stress relief Photo: How to help yourself during stress (

How to provide immediate self-help during a panic attack, elevated stress-induced blood pressure, or if you feel scared and shaky?

Dietitian Olga Malliani on Instagram answers this question.

Three tips for overcoming stress

  1. Breathing technique "4-7-8"

This method activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promotes relaxation, and slows the heart rate. Here’s how to perform it:

  • Inhale through your nose for 4 counts. Calmly and slowly breathe in through your nose, counting to four. Focus on allowing the air to fill the lower part of your lungs, as if you are breathing "with your belly."
  • Hold your breath for 7 seconds. Keep the air in your lungs while counting to seven. This helps slow your breathing and calm your nervous system.
  • Exhale through your mouth. Slowly exhale through your mouth, making a soft "shhh" sound while counting to eight. The exhale should be smooth and prolonged, helping to release tension.

This technique instantly reduces feelings of anxiety and stress, stabilizes the pulse, and activates relaxation processes in the body.

  1. Massage your earlobes simultaneously.

Earlobes contain acupuncture points that, when stimulated, activate the vagus nerve and induce relaxation. Massaging these points helps lower cortisol levels, improve heart function, and reduce feelings of anxiety.

  1. Keep jasmine essential oil nearby.

Jasmine essential oil has strong calming and anti-stress properties due to its effects on the nervous system.

Also read: 10 effective tips for feeling good this autumn.

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