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FBI investigates threats against judges who ruled against Trump in presidential election

FBI investigates threats against judges who ruled against Trump in presidential election U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump (photo: Getty Images)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating threats against Supreme Court justices who last week ruled to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential election ballot in the state of Colorado, according to CNN.

FBI Public Affairs Officer Vikki Migoya stated that the Bureau is managing the situation and collaborating with local law enforcement.

"We will vigorously pursue investigations of any threat or use of violence committed by someone who uses extremist views to justify their actions regardless of motivation," the statement said.

At the same time, CNN notes that a representative of the Colorado judiciary did not comment on the reports of threats against the judges. A message left with the Denver Police Department on Monday afternoon did not receive an immediate response. Gary Cutler, a representative of the Colorado State Patrol, stated that any threats against judges would be addressed by local authorities.

In addition to the federal response, law enforcement at the state and local levels, as well as non-governmental research groups, are monitoring rhetoric on extremist online forums for signs that it may escalate into actual threats against government officials.

A non-partisan research organization has provided U.S. law enforcement with an analysis of online discussions. According to the document, the names of four judges of the Colorado Supreme Court, who ruled to disqualify Trump in the elections, frequently appeared in inciting messages on such forums, urging the disclosure of personal information about members of the judiciary.

While the analysis did not identify specific threats against the judges, it notes that there is a remaining risk of violence from individuals or small groups or other unlawful actions in response to the court's decision.

One user on a far-right, pro-Trump website posted, “All f— robed rats must f— hang,” an apparent reference to the Colorado justices.

These posts follow a pattern of online activity observed after previous federal charges against Trump: vague calls for civil war and disturbingly violent expressions but without specific plans of action in response to these threats.

Federal law enforcement has been warning about the potential escalation of online rhetoric into real violence since the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, which resulted in the deaths of several individuals.

Before the uprising, participants in the unrest essentially planned (the attack) in plain sight on social media, but the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security were unable to prevent the threat, according to a Senate report published in June 2023.

Elections in the U.S.

The upcoming presidential elections in the United States are scheduled for the fall of 2024.

According to predictions, the primary candidate for the Democrats will be the incumbent American leader, Joe Biden, and for the Republicans, the former head of state, Donald Trump.

On December 20, the Colorado Supreme Court, with four votes against three, decided that, according to the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Trump cannot participate in the presidential elections in the state. The reason cited was his participation in the rebellion against the United States, recognizing the Capitol riot as such.

Thus, Trump cannot appear on the state's election ballot when voters gather for the Republican Party primaries scheduled for March 5, 2024. The decision will be suspended until January 4, pending Trump's appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, which may decide the matter for the entire country.

Criminal cases against Donald Trump

Donald Trump faces over 90 criminal charges in multiple cases, including the payment of $130,000 to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, improper handling of classified information after leaving the presidential office, and other accusations.

Additionally, it was reported in early December that Trump could face civil liability for the actions of the Capitol riot participants on January 6, 2021.

For more details on what charges the former U.S. president is facing and whether he will retain chances for future elections, you can read the article by RBC-Ukraine.