Famous psychologist on why you shouldn't argue in front of children

In the early years of a child's life, they are like a sponge, absorbing everything from their parents. Parents' behavior, words, and actions will influence their future life. Therefore, setting a personal example as parents is crucial, and it's important to be aware of the words to avoid, according to a child psychology expert Dmytro Karpachov.
Types of family conflicts
Children exposed to destructive conflicts characterized by threats, physical violence, hurtful expressions, and demonstrative behavior are prone to developing depression, anxiety, and aggression.
Additionally, children who witness their parents engaging in constructive disagreements from a very young age develop independent judgment, tolerance, avoid stereotypical thinking and submissiveness, and also exhibit prosocial behavior such as friendliness, sociability, teamwork, and helping others.
How to argue in the presence of children
To learn to argue in the presence of children, you should acknowledge the acceptability of marital disagreements and not hide from children the fact that sometimes you disagree with each other and argue. Furthermore, you can try to choose more appropriate expressions, avoid shouting, swearing, and throwing objects.
It's also not advisable to involve the child in the argument, force them to take sides, or ask whom they love or agree with more.
If you find it challenging to control yourself, try to say in a calm tone, "I don't want to continue this argument right now, let's discuss it later."
In order to transform regular couple arguments into constructive discussions, you can adhere to four rules:
1. View conflicts as discussions rather than open conflicts.
2. Argue as if you are right but listen as if you are wrong.
3. Try to interpret your partner's point of view with the utmost respect.
4. Acknowledge moments when you agree with the opposing side.
Following these rules will help you and your partner turn arguments into mutual understanding and the opportunity to build more harmonious relationships.
The psychologist emphasizes that conflicts within a family are inevitable, and how you handle them has a significant impact on children's development.