Extradition of Ukrainians involved in smuggling illegal immigrants to Europe starts in Poland - Media

In Poland, extradition proceedings have begun for Ukrainians associated with smuggling illegal migrants into Europe, according to Rzeczpospolita.
Poland, by an agreement with Ukraine, has already extradited citizens of Ukraine who were involved in smuggling illegal migrants into Europe.
According to data from the Polish Border Guard headquarters, from February 24 of the previous year to August 31 of this year, nearly 2.87 million Ukrainians aged 18-60 entered Poland, while almost 2.8 million Ukrainians left Poland.
Extradition of fugitives from Poland
As the press secretary of the Main Police Department explained, to extradite fugitives to Ukraine, an international arrest warrant must be issued for each of them.
"If we detain such a foreigner, for example, during a routine roadside check, our National Police Information System (NPIS) will show that this is a person being pursued by the Ukrainian prosecutor's office because the data from Interpol is available. We detain such a person and report it to the prosecutor's office. The Polish court will decide whether they will be deported," they clarified in the department.
Today, Member of Parliament Fedir Venislavsky announced that the purpose of extraditing fugitives to Ukraine is to return those who left the country illegally.