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EU summit effectively announces halt of Georgia's accession to union

EU summit effectively announces halt of Georgia's accession to union The conclusions of the European Council indicate a halt in Georgia's accession to the EU (Illustrative photo: Getty Images)

On Thursday, October 17, the latest European Council summit took place. According to the meeting's conclusions, the process of Georgia's accession to the European Union has been effectively halted, according to a document published on the European Council’s website.

The document states that the European Council reaffirms the EU’s readiness to support the Georgian people on their European path. However, it also expresses deep concern over the actions taken by the Georgian government, which contradict the values and principles on which the European Union was founded.

"The European Council recalls that such a course of action jeopardises Georgia’s European path, and de facto halts the accession process. It calls on Georgia to adopt democratic, comprehensive and sustainable reforms, in line with the core principles of European integration. The European Council will continue monitoring the situation closely," the document reads.

Additionally, the European Council expects the upcoming parliamentary elections in the country to be free and fair, under international standards, with unhindered access for both international and national observers.

The document also emphasizes the need to protect free and independent media, reaffirming the EU's unwavering support for Georgia's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

"It underlines the European Union’s continued commitment to peaceful conflict resolution and its policy of non-recognition and engagement," the conclusions on the Georgia issue state.

In July this year, the EU Ambassador to Georgia, Pawel Herczynski, announced that the European Union had already suspended Georgia’s accession process. This was largely due to the foreign influence law, dubbed the foreign agents law, which resembles its Russian counterpart.

Earlier, it was reported that the European Union might suspend Georgia’s visa-free regime. The EU stated that such a measure would be a response to the Georgian government’s anti-democratic actions and its growing anti-Western rhetoric.