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EU countries must start tackling circumvention of sanctions against Russia

EU countries must start tackling circumvention of sanctions against Russia Photo: EU High Representative Josep Borrell (getty images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Western countries, including EU member states, must increase oversight of the export activities of companies producing sensitive electronic components used by Russia in weapon production. This should be the West's response to circumventing anti-Russian sanctions, according to EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

Josep Borrell noted that Western electronic equipment continues to enter Russia's weaponry and military equipment.

"When you do the autopsy of the Russian weapons, you find Western-branded electronic components. We have to continue fighting against sanctions circumvention – and this starts at home. We have to increase due diligence by companies exporting critical components to third countries," Borrell stated.

He reported that during the EU Council meeting on Monday, foreign ministers heard from David O’Sullivan, the EU Special Envoy for Sanctions, and discussed ways to enhance sanctions against Russia and improve their effectiveness.

According to Borrell, more sanctions are necessary against Russia's shadow fleet and against Russia's capabilities to export hydrocarbons.

"The number of ships on this shadow fleet allows Russia to continue exporting oil without being under the limits," the EU representative said.

It is worth noting that US authorities do not accuse American companies whose products Russia uses in missile production of violating export controls. Their components continue to be supplied to Russia through intermediaries.