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Eternal youth: Top 5 stars who defy aging

Eternal youth: Top 5 stars who defy aging Jennifer Lopez and Sandra Bullock (photo: RBC-Ukraine collage)

Age is just a number. How they manage it remains a mystery, but many Hollywood actresses over 50 look incredibly attractive.

Who they are is revealed by RBC-Ukraine.

Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon is increasingly opting for bold and even daring looks: long leather skirts, dresses with deep slits, and plunging necklines... What’s truly impressive is that this is the appearance of a woman who is 77 years old. Bravo, Susan!

Eternal youth: Top 5 stars who defy aging

Susan Sarandon (photo:

Sharon Stone

The star of Basic Instinct has repeatedly emphasized the importance of aging gracefully. She prefers natural beauty and consistently captivates the public with her impeccable appearance on the red carpet. And all this while the elegant actress is 66 years old.

Топ-5 вічно молодих зірок, які і не думають старіти

Sharon Stone (photo:​​​​​​

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock continues to amaze fans both on-screen and in real life. Whenever she steps onto the red carpet, all eyes are on her. Bullock openly acknowledges that her appearance is the result of hard work.

Топ-5 вічно молодих зірок, які і не думають старіти

Sandra Bullock (Photo: Getty Images)

Julia Roberts

The star of Pretty Woman and My Best Friend's Wedding doesn't always appear flawless (which is perfectly normal for any woman). However, Julia effortlessly puts critics and jealous onlookers in their place: many 20-year-olds would be delighted to look as she does at 56.

Топ-5 вічно молодих зірок, які і не думають старіти

Julia Roberts (photo:

Jennifer Lopez

Time seems to have stood still for Jennifer Lopez! We included her in this list because she continues to thrive as both a singer and actress while also being a mother of two. And, by the way, she turned 55 this year.

Топ-5 вічно молодих зірок, які і не думають старітиJennifer Lopez (photo: