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Duda announces name of Prime Minister-designate

Duda announces name of Prime Minister-designate Photo: Andrzej Duda, President of Poland (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

President of Poland Andrzej Duda has tasked Mateusz Morawiecki with forming a government, according to the announcement made by the head of the Polish state.

According to Duda, for the role of the Speaker of the Sejm in the first sessions after the parliamentary elections, he appointed Marek Sawicki of the Polish People's Party.

"As both the Law and Justice party, secured the top position in the elections, and the representatives of the Civic Coalition, which secured the second position, presented their candidates for the position of prime minister and expressed a desire to form a government," Duda clarified.

He explained that during consultations, both parties expressed confidence that they would be able to gather a coalition in the new Sejm to support the candidate.

"After a calm analysis and conducted consultations, I have decided to entrust the mission of forming the government to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki... I have decided to continue the good parliamentary tradition, wherein the winning party is given the first opportunity to establish the government," added the head of state.

Polish elections

Parliamentary elections took place in Poland in October. As a result of the voting, the ruling party Law and Justice managed to garner 35.38% of the votes. This was not enough to maintain a majority in the Sejm.

Now, for the representative of Law and Justice, Mateusz Morawiecki, to remain prime minister, parties need to form a coalition. One of the possible options is a coalition with the Polish People's Party.

Meanwhile, representatives of the Polish People's Party have already expressed their willingness to form a coalition with the main competitor of Law and Justice, the Civic Coalition. In this case, Donald Tusk will become the prime minister.