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Doctor reveals two vital steps for speeding up metabolism

Doctor reveals two vital steps for speeding up metabolism Illustrative photo (Photo:
Author: Daria Shekina

The phenomenon of metabolic slowdown often manifests itself when the efficiency of muscle work increases at low-intensity loads. In other words, a person burns less energy than usual during activities such as walking or other low-intensity work.

How to speed up metabolism is explained by dietitian Oleg Shvets.

What to know about metabolism

This mechanism emerged during evolution, protecting humans from hunger. It helps conserve energy but simultaneously makes losing weight and maintaining results difficult.

Weight loss is accompanied by a decrease in TEE (total energy expenditure). To counteract this effect, one should increase active muscle activity to expend more energy. It's also important to try to increase muscle mass because more muscles perform more intense work.

Metabolism can be regulated and accelerated. The easiest thing to change and have the most control over in our bodies is PAEE (physical activity energy expenditure).

Muscles need anabolic power—a stimulus for recovery and muscle mass growth. This is provided by consuming beneficial protein sources such as lean chicken, fish, beef, and eggs, as well as whole grains, beans, nuts, tofu, and dairy products.

Older people over 60 need more protein for muscle mass formation than younger people.

How to speed up metabolism

The natural aging process leads to sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass). This results in muscles losing the ability to use protein and amino acids to repair damaged tissue. Research shows that older adults need to consume between 1.2 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, while young people need 0.8 grams per kg.

Obesity is often caused by consuming large amounts of ultra-processed foods, leading to weight gain. Weight loss through diet, exercise, and medication works, but this weight loss is also accompanied by a decrease in TEE.

During weight loss, fat mass is primarily lost. Depending on the level of protein consumption and training, 20-50% of the total weight loss is muscle loss. Thus, high-protein diets and strength training may be beneficial for maintaining muscle mass and counteracting the decrease in TEE by supporting energy expenditure.

For older adults, an additional factor is the inability of muscles to use protein as an anabolic agent to protect muscle mass, requiring a higher protein intake.

When people lose weight, consuming protein and performing strength training exercises can speed up metabolism.

It's important to include strength and cardio training in your routine. If you find it difficult to train alone, go to the gym. If you prefer to train alone, choose biking or home workouts.

The best and healthiest way to maintain a high metabolism is to consume healthy lean proteins and exercise. It is recommended to engage in 30-60 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity at least 5 times a week, as well as 20 minutes of strength training exercises targeting the arms, legs, and torso 2-3 times a week.

Earlier, we wrote about what to eat to stay healthy.

Read also about the unexpected factor that triggers weight gain.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.