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Ukraine's intelligence destroys Russian Su-30SM fighter jet in Black Sea

Ukraine's intelligence destroys Russian Su-30SM fighter jet in Black Sea Russian Su-30SM fighter jet (
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukrainian intelligence forces have destroyed a Russian Su-30SM aircraft over the Black Sea using a man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS), according to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU).

"During an operation in the Black Sea, special forces of the DIU destroyed a Russian Su-30SM fighter jet with a MANPADS strike," the statement reads.

Details about aircraft

The fighter jet, which crashed into the sea, belonged to the 43rd Separate Naval Aviation Regiment of the Russian Aerospace Forces, based at the airfield in the city of Saky, in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

The estimated cost of the aircraft is around $50 million.

'Disappearance' of Su-30SM

The occupiers lost contact with their fighter jet on September 11, around 5:00 AM. Approximately three hours later, the Russians launched a search and rescue operation involving an An-26 aircraft, as well as Mi-8 and Ka-27 helicopters.

"By midday, the invaders reported to their command about a distinctive fuel slick found 70 kilometers northwest of Cape Tarkhankut, and soon after, they spotted the wreckage of the destroyed Su-30SM," the DIU added.

Just yesterday, RBC-Ukraine had reported that a Russian Su-30SM fighter jet had gone missing near Sevastopol. At the time, it was suggested that the military aircraft may have crashed.