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Discovering relationship potential: Unique test to predict your future together

Discovering relationship potential: Unique test to predict your future together Illustrative photo (Photo: Freepik)
Author: Daria Shekina

An American woman shared a life hack on how she determines if a relationship will be long-lasting and happy. She uses the "bird test" for this purpose and swears it never fails, according to the video of the TikTok user Alissacardib.

How to check your relationships

Alisa shares that when spending time with a new friend or potential partner, she enthusiastically points to a bird flying nearby or something seemingly insignificant to see if the person responds with mutual interest. She calls her test the bird test.

It is said that this simple trick demonstrates a bid for connection and is a good indicator of compatibility and how willing a person is to invest in the relationship.

The American mentions that she usually uses this test as a litmus test at the beginning of romantic relationships, as well as for friendships and family members.

How this test works in practice

Alisa explains that if, during a date or meeting with a new friend, you say something that may seem trivial, and the person responds with "genuine curiosity," it's a good sign that the relationship will last.

But if the new friend doesn't share your interest, it's a very bad sign, according to Alisa.

"I'm telling you, do this with your friends, do this with your family members. The bird test never fails," the girl adds.

Alisa's video, in which she shares her life hack, has been viewed 4.5 million times. Some viewers even tried this test and shared their results.