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Dermatologist names part of face that ages faster

Dermatologist names part of face that ages faster Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Stress and other factors lead to rapid skin aging. Turns out that eyelids age faster than other parts of the face, and there are specific factors that contribute to this, according to HuffPost.

What causes wrinkles on eyelids

One of the main characteristics of eyelid skin is its thinness. Compared to the skin on other parts of the face, the eyelids have a very thin epidermis (the layer that acts as a barrier to the environment).

Dermatologist David Lee explained that there is almost no fat in this area of the face. Therefore, this thinness can lead to fragility and sensitivity.

The doctor pointed out three main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the eyelids: excessive strain on the muscles or manipulation of the skin, collagen damage caused by free radicals, and genetics.

While a single blink doesn’t increase the risk of eyelid wrinkles, excessive squinting or contracting the muscles around the eyes can undoubtedly create fine lines that eventually become static wrinkles.

Loss of collagen and elastin can also make the eyelids prone to dehydration, highlighting fine lines in this area and making them more visible.

Moreover, smoking and excessive sun damage can cause sagging eyelids and wrinkles by damaging the underlying collagen, which serves as a framework for maintaining healthy and plump-looking skin.

Sagging eyelids can also provoke drooping eyebrows — when the arches descend, they move the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the brows into the upper eyelid area.

What to do

Protecting your eyes with sunglasses and using retinol-based creams can help prevent the formation of wrinkles. Additionally, make sure you get enough sleep, avoid smoking, and consume foods rich in antioxidants.

It's also important to keep the skin of your eyelids hydrated. Moisturizing ingredients in creams, such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, squalane, and ceramides, can help create a plumper appearance.

If you notice redness or sensitivity on your eyelids, it could be a sign of infection. In such a case, it’s crucial to see a doctor as soon as possible.