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Dentist lists key symptoms of oral cancer you might overlook

Dentist lists key symptoms of oral cancer you might overlook Photo: The dentist named the alarming symptoms in the mouth (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

There are more than 200 types of cancer that can affect the human body. It happens when cancer cells grow and divide uncontrollably. A British dentist shared some vital signs of oral cancer to look out for, according to Daily Express.

Warning signs

Persistent wounds or ulcers

As with most of the symptoms on this list, having an ulcer doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer, but when you notice it, you should get checked out.

"While not every sore or ulcer in the mouth is indicative of cancer, it is important to have any persistent or unusual sores evaluated by a healthcare professional if they haven’t left within two weeks," Mehra says.

Bleeding of unknown origin

As cancerous tumors grow, they can penetrate and damage surrounding tissue.

"This can cause blood vessels to become fragile and rupture easily, leading to bleeding. Mouth cancer can often cause chronic inflammation, which can make the tissues more prone to bleeding," the doctor says.

In combination with other symptoms, such as persistent sores, pain, or difficulty swallowing, this can be a sign of oral cancer.

Chronic bad breath (halitosis)

Oral cancer can affect the salivary glands and reduce their number. Saliva helps clean the mouth and remove bacteria, so a lack of it can contribute to bad breath.

"In addition, it can also cause decay and rotting of the oral tissues, which creates an unpleasant odor that contributes to chronic bad breath," the dentist says.

If you or someone you know experiences chronic bad breath that doesn't go away after good oral hygiene, you should see a doctor.

Red or white spots

Red or white spots in the mouth should be noticed if they appear thick and white and cannot be scraped off easily.

"Additionally, it can also cause the tissues in the mouth to break down and decay, which produces a foul odour that contributes to chronic bad breath," the doctor says.

Changes in voice

If hoarseness persists for more than two weeks without an obvious cause, such as a cold, it may indicate oral cancer.

Your voice may also become hoarse or may be lower. Cancer in the oral cavity can affect areas involved in speech, such as the tongue, and throat.

Earlier we reported why you shouldn't brush your teeth while taking a shower.

Read also about 7 reasons why tooth decay occurs even with proper dental care.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.