Cranberries can cure and prevent cystitis - Doctor's recommendation

Cranberry, a sour berry commonly added to juices, sauces, and food supplements, is exceptionally beneficial and can treat urinary tract infections, according to family doctor Mykhailo Tsiurak.
Cranberries and cystitis
Cystitis is an inflammatory condition in the urinary bladder, accompanied by pain above the pubic bone and frequent, painful urination. Bacteria are the most common culprits of cystitis, but viruses and fungi can also be the cause.
Cystitis can become chronic, bothering individuals several times a year (a problem more prevalent in women due to anatomical features).
Cranberries can prevent the development of cystitis. The red berries contain antioxidants, anthocyanins, and tannins with antimicrobial properties that accumulate in large quantities in urine. Therefore, cranberries are well-suited for preventing chronic cystitis.
How much cranberry can be consumed in a day?
Consuming 100 grams of these berries is sufficient to provide a therapeutic and preventive effect. It is preferable to eat the berries in dried form or as preserves since fresh cranberries are very sour.
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