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Coach explains how to calculate healthy weight

Coach explains how to calculate healthy weight Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Many people who are trying to lose weight are curious about what is considered a normal weight for a person.

Coach and nutritionist Viktor Mandziak answers this question below.

What is considered 'normal' weight

According to the coach, there is no standard for what is considered a normal weight.

"We are all different. Some people naturally have a muscular build and may weigh quite a lot without facing any health risks," Viktor said.

The expert emphasized that the focus should not be on body weight but rather on the amount and location of body fat. It is particularly important to ensure that fat does not accumulate around the abdomen, which can easily be measured with a tape measure.

For men, the waist circumference should not exceed half of their height. The same applies to women.

"For men, the waist circumference should not exceed 93 centimeters, and for women, it should not exceed 80 centimeters," Mandziak said.

He added that you might weigh 55 kilograms but still have increased health risks due to a significant amount of body fat.

Viktor pointed out that thin arms and legs with a round belly are the phenotypes of the 21st century.

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