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Chickpeas lower cholesterol and improve digestion

Chickpeas lower cholesterol and improve digestion Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Beans should be a staple in everybody's diet due to their significant health benefits. But there is one particular type of legume that deserves special attention, as it can even serve as a meat substitute — chickpeas, citing Eat This, Not That!

Chickpeas' benefits

Aids digestion

Fiber is a crucial part of digestion, and chickpeas are packed with a high dose of soluble fiber called raffinose. This helps slow down the digestion process as beneficial bacteria break down raffinose.


One cup of cooked chickpeas contains 12.5 grams of fiber and 14.5 grams of protein—two essential nutrients that help you feel full faster after eating. Since protein takes longer to digest than other nutrients, you’ll feel full longer. Protein can also help reduce hunger hormones, which in turn helps curb appetite.

Lowers cholesterol levels

Maintaining optimal cholesterol levels is crucial for vitality and energy. High cholesterol can contribute to heart disease, obesity, strokes, and other serious conditions. Chickpeas are rich in fiber, and fiber-rich foods can help lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Strengthens bones

Like many other legumes, chickpeas are loaded with fiber, magnesium, and calcium. These nutrients work wonders for the body, one of the most important being the building of stronger and healthier bones.

Health risks

Overconsumption of calories and fat

Despite their benefits, chickpeas should not be consumed in unlimited amounts. While they are a source of protein, fiber, and many valuable nutrients, in large quantities, they can quickly add up in calories and fat content.

Risk of botulism

Although the risk of botulism from canned foods is very high, this serious illness is rare and is caused by bacteria that disrupt the nervous system. Occasionally, if canned foods are stored improperly, these bacteria can thrive, particularly in low-salt, low-oxygen, and low-sugar solutions, like chickpeas.

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