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Books about Putin removed from sale in Germany: Russian oligarch involved

Books about Putin removed from sale in Germany: Russian oligarch involved Vladimir Putin (Photo: kremlin ru)
Author: Daria Shekina

The German publishing house Hoffmann und Campe has ceased the sale of books about the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Its author was funded by the oligarch Alexey Mordashov, according to the German news agency DPA.

Earlier in a joint investigation by Paper Trail Media, Der Spiegel, ZDF, and Important Stories, it was noted that the German journalist Hubert Seipel, who authored several books about Putin, received funding from offshore companies associated with the Russian oligarch Mordashov.

In 2018, Seipel signed a sponsorship agreement that was supposed to provide him with at least 600,000 euros. The funds were allocated for the creation and promotion of the book "Putin's Power. Why Europe Needs Russia?" released in 2021. Seipel also received money for his 2015 book "Putin: The Logic of Power."

What did the author of the books say about this?

Seipel admitted in conversation with journalists that Mordashov sponsored the books about Putin. However, he claimed that this supposedly did not discredit his work.

The publishing house stated that it was not aware of these facts and has now ceased the sale of books about Putin.

Russian propaganda regarding Ukraine abroad

Previously, Bloomberg reported that the Russian government supported fake media outlets masquerading as international to propagate its propaganda. This tactic aimed to undermine European support for Ukraine in the ongoing conflict.

It's important to note that one of Russia's strategies in its war against Ukraine involves information warfare. The Kremlin utilizes so-called state media to influence public opinion and disseminate narratives favorable to its objectives in the context of the war against Ukrainians.