Best time to eat dinner to live longer and lose weight revealed

Dinner time can affect your overall health. You need to follow a certain routine to live a longer and healthier life, reports The Mirror.
When to have dinner
Walter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, claims that timely food consumption is the key to a longer and healthier life. The expert strongly advocates more saturation during lunch and early dinners.
Longo's main tip is the three-hour rule - he recommends finishing dinner at least three hours before bedtime. For example, if you usually go to bed around 11:00 p.m., try to have a snack before 8:00 p.m.
"If you put off dinner until later, your system gets a message that you should still be active. This is part of the strategy of limited eating time, a form of intermittent fasting," the expert noted.
Good eating habits for twelve hours will allow your systems to fully digest food for the remaining twelve hours, which leads to a calorie deficit, which is important for weight loss.
The expert also noted that many people have a small breakfast but a hearty dinner. While this works for some, he suggests that those with specific symptoms should choose a hearty lunch at the beginning of the day and a lighter dinner instead.
A healthy lifestyle can improve metabolic health and promote weight loss. It is also best to follow a predominantly vegan diet with occasional fish two to three times a week, while keeping protein, saturated fat, and sugar intake low, with specific amounts varying by age.
Increase your intake of good fats and complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and vegetables, and take vitamin supplements.
What foods will prolong life
When it comes to specific foods that can help extend your life expectancy, Walter recommends eating at least three tablespoons of olive oil a day and one handful of nuts daily.
Depending on your age and weight, you should cut back to two meals a day with two low-sugar snacks for younger people who tend to gain weight easily. At the same time, those over 65 are advised to eat three meals a day with one low-sugar snack.
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