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Belarus prepares military exercises with Russia. Border guards assess threat

Belarus prepares military exercises with Russia. Border guards assess threat Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (photo:

Russia and Belarus plan joint military exercises “West 2025”. Ukrainian border guards do not rule out the movement of forces toward Ukraine, according to Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

He noted that Ukrainian intelligence officers are monitoring the development of events during the Belarusian-Russian military exercises.

“We cannot rule out that during these exercises there will be some movements towards our border. But taking into account previous exercises, most of them may take place at Belarusian training grounds, possibly in other areas,” the spokesperson said.

Demchenko emphasized that despite any actions of the aggressor, Ukraine must have effective defense fortifications on the border with Belarus.

According to the spokesperson, border guards do not record the movement of forces in Belarus towards the Ukrainian border.

Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin recently said that Minsk and Moscow are preparing new joint military exercises called West 2025. They will be held on the territory of Belarus.

In 2022, after the "West" exercise in Belarus, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, including from Belarusian territory.

Belarus is helping Russia

Belarus has been helping the Russian regime since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine. Russian troops, aircraft, and other equipment are deployed in Belarus.

The Belarusian regime also supports Russia's provocations and accuses Ukraine of allegedly violating its airspace. Minsk said it had sent additional forces to the Ukrainian border.

Russian drones often fly into Belarus during attacks on Ukraine. Ukraine does not rule out the possibility that Russia could carry out a provocation, in particular at an oil refinery in Belarus.