Bald eagle officially declared US national bird

The bald eagle, a recognizable bird, has long been a national symbol of the United States. However, it was only recently officially recognized as the national bird.
When the bald eagle became the national bird of the US
The bald eagle had been a national emblem of the US for many years. A stylized image of the bird is featured on various government symbols, including the presidential flag and the Great Seal of the United States.
On the Great Seal, the bald eagle, with its wings spread, holds an olive branch in one talon and arrows in the other. It is believed that the first design of the seal was created on July 4, 1776 — the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted.
However, the final design was approved only six years later. In 1782, the design of the Great Seal featuring the eagle was officially adopted.
Bald eagle (photo: Freepik)
There is a theory that the bird was meant to represent a phoenix. However, the bald eagle, with its majestic appearance, evokes admiration. In 1940, the National Emblem Act made the sale or hunting of bald eagles illegal, helping to protect the species.
Today, the bald eagle still inhabits North America. However, its population had significantly declined by the early 20th century. As a result, the bald eagle was added to the list of species protected by the federal government in 1967.
The law declaring the bald eagle as lawmakers from Minnesota initiated the national bird. This state is home to one of the largest populations of bald eagles. The law was signed by President Joe Biden just before Christmas.
What is known about the bald eagle
The bald eagle is a bird of prey from the hawk family. It is named for its distinctive appearance: a dark brown body and wings but with a white head and tail.
Its English name, "bald eagle," refers to its "bald" or "white" appearance, with the word "bald" being a historical term for "white."
Bald eagle (photo: Freepik)
Interestingly, the feathers of young eagles are completely brown, including the tail and head. Adult bald eagles measure 70-80 centimeters in length, with a wingspan reaching over 200 centimeters.
Male bald eagles weigh around 4.1 kilograms, while females typically weigh 5.4 kilograms. Despite their imposing size, the bald eagle's call is quite weak, resembling a mix of a seagull's screech and chirping.
Bald eagle chicks hatch in the same order that the eggs were laid, so the young birds differ in size. The chicks are covered in down feathers.
Bald eagle nestlings (photo:, user David Menke)
The bald eagle always chooses its nest near water — lakes, rivers, or oceans — and typically on the highest tree in the area. Furthermore, it prefers to build its nest at least 1.2 kilometers away from human dwellings.
Sources: the official White House website and Wikipedia.