ua en ru

Authorities declare regional state of emergency in Belgorod region

Authorities declare regional state of emergency in Belgorod region A state of emergency has been declared in the Belgorod region (photo: Russian media)

From today, August 14, a regional state of emergency is being imposed across the Belgorod region in Russia. Local authorities cite the severe security situation due to the ongoing conflict as the reason for this measure, according to Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov.

The Russian official released a video statement on his Telegram account this morning.

According to him, the situation in the region remains extremely complex and tense.

The official complained about daily shelling from Ukrainian forces and reported that in the Belgorod region, homes are destroyed, and there are wounded and dead civilians.

He also stated that the regional state of emergency is being declared throughout the entire area of the region to provide additional protection for the population and to offer further support to those affected.

Furthermore, the governor is initiating a further appeal to the government commission, requesting that a state of emergency be declared in the Belgorod region at the federal level as well.

What preceded this

It should be noted that on the night of August 10, a counter-terrorism operation (CTO) regime was introduced simultaneously in three Russian regions: Bryansk, Kursk, and Belgorod, which are located near the Ukrainian border.

This decision by the Russian authorities came in response to the advance of Ukrainian troops in the Kursk region.