When aging starts and how to slow it down: Scientific facts

Who wouldn't dream of staying young longer? It turns out that aging doesn't start when we think it does. The first signs can appear as early as 20 or 30 years old, but there are ways to help keep you younger longer.
When aging begins
Determining the age of onset of aging is a topic that has been bothering scientists for decades. According to the new theory, aging begins only after the age of 50.
As part of a joint project, scientists from the United States, Finland, and the United Kingdom studied the activity of genes in muscle and brain samples from people aged 20 to 90. They determined that at the age of 50-55, there is a so-called "turning point" when the human body begins to age.
The new concept believes that a person grows up to the age of 23, after which the body maintains its protective functions to the maximum and protects the body from the development of dangerous diseases, and after 50-55 years, the protective mechanisms begin to weaken significantly. This is when the first age-related diseases and other signs of aging appear.
The human body has one pattern of gene functioning up to the age of 50, and then another. Therefore, scientists assume that it is at this age that measures that help slow down the body's aging will be effective.
It is worth mentioning that earlier scientists claimed that the aging process can begin much earlier than we think. As early as 20 years of age, the first wrinkles and a decrease in physical activity can appear.
But it's not all bad - the right approach to life can help you stay young for much longer!
How can you prolong your youth
Scientists advise reducing the amount of food and calories consumed and point out that most long-livers eat little and are very slim. The foods included in the diet should be nutritious, but dietary - fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish. Meat and processed foods should be avoided or minimized.
The second method is frailty prevention. This applies to all types of weakness - muscle, emotional (fatigue, cognitive decline), bone (which is associated with loss of bone mineral density). Weakness makes a person less active, less mobile, and this also accelerates aging. Therefore, it is very important to be physically active every day.
The third point that scientists point out is the quality of sleep. If you constantly go to bed after midnight, the body activates the synthesis of one of the proteins that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. As a result, the accelerated destruction of the walls of blood vessels begins, and the risk of heart problems, heart attacks, and strokes increases. Therefore, it is best to go to bed before 23:00.
It is also worth giving up bad habits - alcohol and smoking. Quitting smoking at any age can extend your life.
And finally - psychological well-being. Positive mood and personal development, social contacts, small joys of life, enjoying every day - this is also part of the "recipe" for youth.
We also talked about why a person near the sea feels much better physically and psychologically.
Sources: WebMD, Nih, Huffington Post, Health.Harvard.
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