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Astrology guide for October 26: Harnessing Saturn's power for success

Astrology guide for October 26: Harnessing Saturn's power for success What is forbidden to do on October 26 (illustration:

This Saturday, October 26, will be very special. Saturn will test our resilience, while the powerful energy of the Moon will require release.

Exclusively for RBC-Ukraine Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Soloviova shared how to spend this day to make all wishes come true.

Astrological weather forecast for October 26

"Until 18:50 Kyiv time, it is an unfavorable period for new ventures and important decisions, as well as dental and surgical procedures, or visiting the hairdresser. Apathy will be a sign of disrespect for the forces of nature and an inability to manage them. It’s advisable to avoid excessive sexual practices; violating these recommendations may lead to problems," said Soloviova.

"It is not advisable to start a fasting cycle. Refrain from smoking. It’s a good day to work on large, long-term projects. This day awakens the energies of nature that are conducive to creativity. Revelations and powerful energy can be received," she added.

The energy of the Moon is strong and requires mandatory implementation. Therefore, the astrologer notes that physical activity, special exercises, and yoga are essential.

Strengthen your health and elevate your spiritual level. Engage in active creative work. Household chores will also be beneficial; tidy up and welcome guests.

Гороскоп на 26 вересня

Astrological forecast for October 26 (illustration:

Astro life hacks for Saturday

October 26 is the day of Saturn, the planet of wisdom, limitations, responsibilities, time, accountability, laws, overcoming difficulties, order, and karma. Astrologers also refer to it as the "great misfortune."

This planet "likes" it when people learn its lessons and go through trials. Currently, Saturn is in retrograde motion.

"Balancing Saturn's influence can be achieved through honesty, hard work, and caring for others, especially the elderly and those who have lost their homes. Spend time on household chores, self-improvement, stick to a routine, and treat your time and others' time with care and respect," advised Solovyeva.

Additionally, we previously shared which zodiac signs are soon to see all their dreams come true.

In addition, it was recently revealed which zodiac signs will receive a generous reward from the Universe.