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Astrological guidance for a productive and joyful Sunday

Astrological guidance for a productive and joyful Sunday What to do on October 27 (illustration:

On Sunday, October 27, a favorable period will begin, but there's no need to rush. Additionally, to attract good fortune, one can use the main symbols of the Sun.

Exclusively for RBC-Ukraine, Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Soloviova has prepared a forecast for this Sunday and offered important advice for the day.

Astrological forecast for October 27

"Until 4:30 PM Kyiv time, it's a favorable period for new endeavors and important decisions, dental and surgical procedures, and visiting the hairdresser. It's advisable to avoid melancholy and stubbornness, and not to rush into overly active pursuits. Ignoring these recommendations may lead to health issues," warned Soloviova.

Additionally, until 4:30 PM is an excellent time to showcase leadership qualities, creative talents, spend leisure time with children, participate in various recreational games, or attend concerts, shows, or performances, or even perform before a grateful audience.

"This day provides an opportunity to understand the wisdom of earthly life not through external manifestations but by working with the subconscious and intuition. Everyone has an inner voice, and it is particularly audible on this day. The key to understanding it is a firm belief in the evolution of one’s soul and life mission," the expert noted.

The astrologer advises avoiding conflicts with those around you, as this can disrupt your connection with the subconscious. During arguments, you may misinterpret information, complicating the situation further.

"On this day, we receive as much as we deserve. Focus on self-improvement, family matters, and issues related to construction and household management," the expert concluded.

Ніякого поспіху. Що обіцяє астрологічний прогноз на 27 жовтня і який колір принесе успіх

Horoscope for October 27 (illustration:

Astro life hacks for Sunday

October 27 is Sunday, the day of the Sun, which represents our inner "self," consciousness, worldview, perception of the world, life force, energy, health, individuality, temperament, self-realization, and sources of self-expression and integrity.

Dedicate time to hobbies and any form of creativity, such as singing, painting, dancing, making music, writing poetry or a book, calligraphy, or ikebana.

"To enhance solar energy, wear orange, gold, or yellow colors in your clothing, adorn yourself with gold jewelry, and enjoy some orange slices. The classic flower of the Sun is the sunflower, and its symbol will also be fitting to incorporate today. Images of the king of the planets will boost energy, such as the majestic lion," advises Soloviova.

Additionally, we previously discussed who will receive keys to happiness from the Tarot horoscope this Sunday.