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Astrological forecast for October 2: Key advice for solar eclipse

Astrological forecast for October 2: Key advice for solar eclipse How the solar eclipse will affect us (illustration: GettyImages)

Astrologer Kateryna Soloviova shared that this Wednesday will be special. The reason is that a solar eclipse will occur in the evening.

The Ukrainian astrologer prepared a full forecast for October 2 and provided key advice for Wednesday.

Astro-weather forecast for October 2

The eclipse corridor is still active. Additionally, until October 5, the influence of Mercury combined with the Black Moon — a fictitious karmic calculation point symbolizing our "tempting demon" — should be considered.

This influences our hidden traits, fears, anxieties, and complexes, which are often not realized and suppressed in the subconscious. This aspect will be exact on October 2. Therefore, planning important tasks and decisions for this day is not recommended, as mistakes, miscalculations, and conflicts are possible.

The combination of the Sun with the Black Moon is also active. This aspect will be exact on October 3. Thus, the period until October 6 is not recommended for significant undertakings in any area.

"It is an unfavorable period for starting new ventures and making important decisions, for surgical and dental procedures, or visiting a hairdresser," the astrologer emphasized.

"Do not start a business, register a marriage, consider court cases, make expensive purchases, or undergo plastic or cosmetic procedures. Avoid sexual indulgences," she added.

Astrological forecast for October 2: Key advice for solar eclipse

Horoscope for October 2 (illustration:

New Moon and solar eclipse: What should be done

At 21:49 Kyiv time, the exact phase of the New Moon will occur, and at 21:46, the exact phase of the Solar Eclipse.

"It is good for planning: everything intended has a better chance of being realized than when formulated during other Moon phases. Especially favorable is the first hour after the eclipse, from 21:46 to 22:46," Soloviova noted.

"The difficult combination of the transiting Sun, Moon, and Mercury with the Black Moon is active. Also, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury have an unfavorable aspect with transiting Mars — one of the most challenging planets in astrology, increasing the likelihood of dangerous situations and accidents," she explained.

The Moon and Sun will be in Libra. For the Sun, this position is one of the worst. According to the expert, the ruler of the eclipse, Venus, will be in Scorpio — also its most difficult position.

"Therefore, be very careful when formulating plans during this eclipse, as difficulties, problems, miscalculations, and losses are possible during their implementation. This will primarily affect partnerships, relationships with others, diplomacy, justice, harmony, beauty, and art," the astrologer warned.

Astrological forecast for October 2: Key advice for solar eclipse

How the solar eclipse will affect us (illustration: GettyImages)

Astro-hacks for October 2

This Wednesday is the day of Mercury, the planet of communication, communication devices (various gadgets), transportation, trips, documentation, trade, and learning.

The astrologer advised avoiding unnecessary conversations, gossip, and misinformation and keeping an eye on your belongings to avoid losing them.

"Deception and fraud are possible. It's better not to plan important negotiations, sign new contracts, purchase technology, significant business trips, exams, necessary payments, or clarify relations with neighbors on this day," she summarized.

To enhance Mercury's energy, use beeswax and products made from it (cosmetics, food products, etc.), or simply light beeswax candles.

You can also eat hard cheeses. Intellectual leisure activities will be appropriate: watching films, playing brain-stimulating games, conversing with pleasant people, or reading an exciting book.

It was recently revealed that the solar eclipse will "reset" all problems for four zodiac signs.