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Astrological forecast for July 16: Dos and don'ts for successful day

Astrological forecast for July 16: Dos and don'ts for successful day Collage by RBC-Ukraine

July 16 is the day of Mars, the planet of activity, determination, enthusiasm, bravery, a militant attitude, and the intent to win. Astrologer Kateryna Soloviova explains what to expect from this Tuesday and provides advice on how to ensure the day passes smoothly and without problems.

Astrologer Soloviova has prepared an astrological forecast for July 16 and detailed how to attract happiness.

What's forbidden on July 16 - Astrologer's advice

Soloviova advises against the following on this day:

  • Surgical and dental procedures
  • Visiting the hairdresser

Before 4:45 PM, avoid planning major intellectual and physical activities.

After this time, refrain from:

  • Showing negativity, as it will be hard to reconcile after a quarrel
  • Indulging in self-pity as it can lead to prolonged states of misery
  • Overloading the cardiovascular system

Astrological forecast for July 16: Dos and don'ts for successful day

How to attract good luck on July 16 (collage: RBC-Ukraine)

How to attract luck on July 16

According to the astrological forecast, this day is ideal for new ventures and important decisions, getting married, being active in various endeavors, and accumulating material values, information, and knowledge.

Soloviova advises doing the following on July 16:

  • Be compassionate and show empathy
  • Give gifts and engage in charity
  • Fulfill requests and ask for help
  • Summarize outcomes
  • Cleanse the body, visit a bathhouse or sauna

Astrological forecast for July 16: Dos and don'ts for successful dayHoroscope for July 16 (illustration:

Why this day is special and how to make the most of it

Tuesday is a favorable time for those with entrepreneurial skills, a knack for commerce, organizational talent, and the ability to make money.

Today, you can balance Martian energy by using the color red and its shades. Soloviova suggests enjoying spicy dishes with garlic if your health permits.

Watch your favorite content about heroism, valor, achievements, high results, and triumphant victories. Forgive those who have wronged you and avoid offending others, Soloviova advises.

Also, on this day, you can respond to aggression directed at you and take a course of vitamins to maintain energy in the body.

Astrological forecast for July 16: Dos and don'ts for successful day

Things not to do on Tuesday (illustration:

Interesting astrological details for Tuesday

"From 4:30 PM on July 16 to 12:01 PM on July 17 (Kyiv time), Venus, the planet of harmony, beauty, finances, creativity, art, mastery, talent, and partnership, will be in the royal degree of Leo," Soloviova says.

"Planets and luminaries that fall into this zone of powerful positive energy of the royal degrees can significantly influence people. This influence allows for the full realization of the provided opportunities," she adds.

"Royal degrees," as the astrologer notes, create factors of luck, success, and satisfaction with life. These are degrees of optimism, joy, anticipation, and the acquisition of miracles in life.

"The main characteristics of this degree in Leo: wisdom, exceptionalism, courage, humanity, physical and moral strength. A creative component is added, which helps those involved in art or public performances achieve success and incredible luck," Soloviova explains.

"The degree grants grandeur, majesty, and royal tranquility. It is necessary to generate and maintain states of happiness, joy, satisfaction, and generosity within oneself to realize all the positive possibilities of this position," she adds.